Denture problems? Afraid to smile? Do you want dentures that fit securely, are comfortable and look natural? You're not asking too much! We are the experts in creating all types of natural looking dentures that once expertly fitted, will restore your smile and transform your appearance. Our professional Clinical Dental Technicians can put an end to any denture embarrassment and self-consciousness.
- Do you feel self-conscious and embarrassed about your dentures?
- Do you suffer from denture problems – are you prevented from choosing the foods you like?
- Do you have worn down teeth, gum disease, failing crowns and bridges, or loose partial dentures?
- Are many of your teeth loose and do you fear the worst?
- Have you experienced a loss of facial volume and lip support because of your tooth loss; do you look older as a consequence and want to reverse the signs of aging?
- Do you feel it's too late to save your remaining teeth and are you looking for a long-term solution?
If the answer to any of the above is YES then visit your local Changing Faces® Denture Clinic for yourself and see the difference our experts can make to your life.
You can find your nearest Changing Faces® Denture Clinic using our postcode search. By attending a FREE consultation you can discover more about us and what we can do for you!
You will find a growing number of Changing Faces® Denture Clinics within carefully selected practices across the UK. These practices share our vision where our Clinical Dental Technicians work as part of a mutlidisaplinary team that includes an Implant Dentist.
During your discreet personal consultation, our denture experts will explain the denture options that are right for your needs. By talking you through the technical procedures involved, we will help you make an informed decision about your treatment. With Changing Faces® Dentures you will enjoy new freedom to live your life the way want.
Wearing dentures doesn't need to be an awkward experience. At each of our locations, you will receive the advice and support you need to feel confident about getting dentures. Rest assured that our team will do everything we can to help you feel confident, relaxed and comfortable.
Our bespoke denture service is improving the lives of thousands of denture wearers across the country. The results we achieve speak for themselves with our patients saying they feel happier and more confident than before.
We tailor our complete dentures to suit the shape of your face and bring out your best features. If you have experienced total tooth loss then Changing Faces® dentures offer a dual effect by revolumizing the face and restoring your smile. With the right volume and the right proportion, our experts can give you a more youthful appearance.
You shouldn't ignore missing teeth even if they aren't visible in your smile. Our partial dentures can be used to replace one or several missing teeth. They look and feel natural and play an important role by stopping your healthy teeth from shifting positions and tilting into the gaps left behind by tooth loss.
For patients troubled by loose dentures our Clinical Dental Technicians also work alongside Implant Dentists to provide a solution that will last for years, by improving chewing function and restoring your appearance our implant retained dentures give you the ability to eat well, whilst looking good and smiling more. Denture services provided by our Clinical Dental Technicians include:
Changing Faces® Clinical Dental Technicians have been chosen for their clinical excellence and artistic flair for making dentures. They provide complete dentures direct to patients and other dental devices via a treatment plan from a Dentist. They are also qualified Dental Technicians.
If you are suffering from gum disease, advanced tooth loss and have failing crowns and bridges, along with loose teeth you can be seen by our Implant Dentists together with our Clinical Dental Technicians where solutions include implant assisted dentures that allow you to chew your food properly or permanent fixed teeth that look and feel completely natural.
As part of our patient care programme all Changing Faces® patients with natural teeth or dental implants will have a comprehensive dental check up before denture treatment commences. We are committed to providing you with dedicated patient-focused services. Please see our Patient Charter to find out more about our commitment to the highest standards of care.
Each year millions of dental implants are successfully placed in patients around the world. A dental implant is a small Titanium screw that serves as the replacement for the root portion of a missing natural tooth. Dental implants can be placed in either the upper or lower jaw. Due to the biocompatible properties of Titanium, the individual dental implants fuse with your jawbone and become a solid anchor for your replacement dentures.
Without the root structure of a natural tooth present, the jawbone can shrink. This situation is at its worst when you lose all of your natural teeth. This shrinkage can make wearing full dentures an uncomfortable and embarrassing task, particularly in the lower jaw.
Dental implants provide a solid anchor for your replacement dentures and can prevent any further shrinkage of your jawbone. You will feel a reassuringly secure fit of your dentures to your gums with greatly improved chewing ability.
Dental implant retained replacement dentures offer the look, feel and function of natural teeth. This means that you can eat whatever you choose. But most importantly, dental implants often improve quality of life by allowing you to bite, smile and talk with your dentures without worry.
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Show your smile, not your dentures!
Revolumise your face
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and restore your smile. -
ExpertsGet the best advice and support
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you need to feel confident about
getting dentures. Experience
Changing Faces® and you'll
never look back. -
Helping to ensure
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all our experts are at
the forefront of
Clinical Dental Technology -
Free Consultations
Ask Anything. Pay nothingDiscover the difference for
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yourself. Receive the best
advice and up to date
guidance at all times. -
with Dental
ImplantsEat well, whilst looking
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good and smiling more. -
Before and After
See the difference for
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yourself and
understand what a
difference Changing
Faces® dentures can
make to your life.